Tuesday 18 October 2011

The joy of the drudge

I know that referencing and editing the work of a healthcare practitioner is not every writer's favourite job, but I do sometimes get slide sets or the writing work of others to reference or create reference packs for. When working in an agency this is the work you dread! It takes ages, the referencing is sometimes not accurate even when you manage to find the references and, because you are working on a million different important things at the same time, it just isn't what you want to spend your time doing!

This is why these jobs are often outsourced to freelance writers in order to free up "in-house" resources and I have to say that I do sometimes quite enjoy this kind of work. You can just sit, rest the right hemisphere and get on with it, step-by-step. The sleuthing nature of it also appeals to me, there is such a sense of accomplishment when you can find a reference from only an author name and year, although this is supremely rare!

It may not be glamorous or win awards, but there exists a time and place where the drudge becomes a joy!

Ebb and flow

There is an ebb and flow the work within an agency and that is certainly true for freelance writing. I have been kept busy with quite a flow of work in the last couple of months, which is why I have been quiet on the blogging front (not good for my stats, I know). But I have a couple of days to rub together so here we go again...