Friday 15 July 2011

The 3-question interview - Dominic Marchant talks digital

Digital communications has become an important part of any Pharma campaign. So what does digital add to the equation and how much does it encroach on the traditional methods that companies have employed for decades. Dominic Marchant has agreed to enlighten us on the role of digital communication in Pharma.

Dominic is MD of DJM Digital Solutions, a full service digital agency working for clients like GSK, AstraZeneca, Ferring, Abbott and Shire as well as Coca-Cola, Panasonic and the National Portrait Gallery.  He is a member of the Interactive Media Council and regularly speaks and writes on the role of digital within the pharma industry.  

1. What are the unique challenges you face when creating digital projects for the pharmaceutical market as opposed to consumer?

"The obvious answer to this question is that regulation is a major consideration when working with pharmaceutical marketing.  However, the actual answer is that it is the interpretation of the codes and guidelines that is often the biggest challenge.  Each pharmaceutical company has a different view of how digital media can be utilised and stay within the confines of regulations.  Even within companies, medics will often have differing views on what is compliant.  It is this lack of clarity that causes considerable nervousness for the marketer and the agencies tasked with building digital programmes.  However, it is not the fault of the medics.  The guidance is often itself very vague.  

In my experience, the best way to ensure internal approval is as smooth as possible is to show examples of similar activity that has been produced for either our own clients or publicly available case studies.  However, this is not always possible when producing something completely new and innovative.  For example, we have started working within augmented reality and, whilst the visual appeal is obvious, there are no precedents within the industry.  In these instances, one simply has to have bold clients!"

2. What are the unique benefits of digital communications?

"Interactivity is peculiar to digital: the ability to control the story and direct the message is key to its appeal and success.  With this comes fun!  Often overlooked but digital is an experiential medium which means that users can "play" with the content and immerse themselves in the communication.  Much of the messaging within pharma is quite dry and clinical.  Most detail aids look professional and communicate effectively but do not engage the user in the same way a multi-media rich e-detail can.  Video, games, augmented reality, holograms, 3D - these are the tools with which a sales or medical communications story can be brought to life.  And it is this power to engage the emotions with these powerful tools that makes digital so attractive to anyone who works with brands.

Lastly, although not unique to digital, metrics are more readily available and accurate in digital than any other media.  It is because of this fact that all digital campaigns' success can be measured and, dependent on results, altered to improve results."

3. Can digital communications truly ever replace the sales force?

"I think so, particularly in the UK.  The more I look at research and hear customer feedback, the answer is clear: the healthcare professional has less and less time to talk to a representative BUT still wants to communicate with the pharma companies.  A medium that allows the user to engage with the message on their time and at their pace has obvious appeal.  Add to this fact that this communication is measurable and relatively inexpensive, it seems that digital has not only a strong place in the marketing mix but possibly is the lead medium.   

But there are plenty of "industry experts" like myself who talk of digital tools replacing the sales representative.  The real answer to the question though is based on whether this conservative industry is willing to back new technology in favour of a proven, albeit expensive, sales route..."

Dominic Marchant
MD of DJM Digital Solutions

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